You’re So MucH BETTER THan your competitors …

Here are three simple ways to get more people to realize that…

Isn’t it infuriating when you see one of your competitors thriving even though you know they aren’t even half as good as you? I’ve seen this many times first hand, most commonly in the medical profession when Many physicians in private practice - particularly dermatology and plastic surgery would get so angry when a new young “upstart” physician opened up a competing practice down the road. Then, despite the new physician having a tiny fraction of the experience they had, the new practice grew like crazy, quickly outpacing their own.

Why does this kind of thing happen? That a business not anywhere near as good as another gets all the attention (and new clients)? Because, the painful, uncomfortable truth is that when it comes to running a business, it’s not the business with the longest track record that wins. It’s the business with the best marketing.

After all if prospective buyers don’t know how wonderful you are, then how can you expect them to come to you in droves? Yes you can rely on word of mouth referrals but this is a painfully slow way to build your business and it means you are not in control of when you attract new prospects. You have to wait until one of your existing clients remembers to mention you.


Instead here are the top 3 ways to get more people to realize how wonderful your business truly is

1) If your message isn’t resonating then it’s time you did a brand refresh - and I’m not just talking about a new design and logo - I’m talking about a total messaging makeover - which is Step 2 of the Client Stampede Formula and I walk you through how to do this in my book The Client Stampede. You’ll also want to read this article on Branding Lessons from The Breakfast of Champions. If enough people aren’t realizing how amazing your business is, then increasing the power of your marketing message is going to be the very best place to start. Then once you have that core message down, it’s time to merge that with an exceptional rebrand to give your business a brand new lease on life and more dominant marketing position.

2) Consider investing in what I call your MVP of marketing - a professionally crafted business book that’s short, entertaining and informative to read, and most of all captures your unique ability that shows why you’re the best. You can learn how to do this in just 60 minutes of your time by visiting and downloading the free guide.

3) It’s time to beef up your testimonials. If you’re able to use them in your industry, then these are a critical component of your marketing. What systems do you have in place to be able to capture a happy client right at the peak of their happiness - not a week or a few months after the fact? Do you have a system that will enable different media formats such as written, audio or video and make it extremely easy and stress free for the client? If not this is a strategic project that you’re going to want to add to your Marketing Plan to focus on.

So in summary - your business is phenomenal, but if not enough people know that, then - well that means running your business is an awful lot harder than it needs to be. Make it a priority to implement one or all of these strategies in your business today and you’ll be amazed at the difference!


A Luxury Laundromat Strategy To Swipe For Your Business


KEY Branding LESSONS Learned FROM “the breakfast of Champions”